The Invention Of Wings Character Analysis

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Phan 1
Ms. Barrett
English 5
15 April 2016
(Hook 0x01). In the historical fiction, The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd is set in the 1800s in Charleston South Carolina. The story is based on the struggle that Charlotte, Hetty Handful Grimke and Sarah Grimke, a daughter of a wealthy land owner, face in their fight to abolish slavery and to bring equality to women's rights. These characters express their desire for equality by taking the green silk cloth, participating in a slave revolt, and converting to the Quaker religion. Charlotte taking the green silk cloth was the first act of rebellion seen in the book and can be perceived as a catalyst for Handful's participation in the slave revolt with Denmark Vesey as well as long mental …show more content…

(Transition 0x04). “He laughed and asked about my family, about our life in Charleston, when I told him about the house on East bay and the plantain in the up country, his lively expression died away. “You own slaves?” “My family does, but I don’t condone it”(Citation 0x05). The meeting of Israel Morris and Sarah Grimke was very important due to its great effects on Sarah’s actions in the book. Being her first exposure to Quakerism’s beliefs and the strong feelings its followers and towards the use of slaves, Sarah found these beliefs very fitting and will begin to live and sharing these beliefs after converting to Quakerism. Lastly Sue Monk Kidd had Israel display his strong beliefs by saying “his lively expression died away”, this further enforced Sarah’s opposition towards slavery. (Transition 0x06). “Her face eased. “Tell you mother I’, sorry for her treatment and I hope she’ll feel better soon” and it wasn’t any toil in her words. “That means a lot to us I said” This assists in the readers understanding on Sarah’s stance on the use of slaves and their treatment and shows how early of an age that Sarah started to have these feelings. Lastly by Sue Monk Kidd saying “and it wasn't any toil i her words” it really helps to emphasize how deeply felt about her beliefs and how sincerely sorry she was for Charlotte being treated the way she was. Sarah Grimke becoming a Quaker played a very important rollin the plot as far as her spreading he beliefs and Handful and sky being able to free

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