Women's Equality In America

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In America, people strive for equality. Although the status of women in modern-day American society is improving, women still haven’t reached equality with men due to America having a society with a male-dominated mindset, the shaming of women, and traditional gender rules. With a society that holds a male-dominant mindset, it becomes difficult to change the status of women for the better. People in America still hold views on how a woman should behave. Since the Puritan’s time, women have been viewed as obedient and demure. They are expected to be quiet and polite. Although women can now speak publically, there has yet to be a woman president. Women make up half the population and yet they haven’t had representation in the presidential office. Therefore they don’t have as much power to speak and make …show more content…

Comparatively, most men have seats of power and get to create the rules. They can make rules only for one gender, such as school dress codes that target women specifically or they can try to pass laws that are unfavorable to women such as taxes on feminine hygiene products. Having men calling the shots even though the population is equally divided defines the reality that complete equality still hasn’t been reached. The status of women will not be equal in America as long as men have a larger voice in society than women. Additionally, inequality shines through in the form of shame placed on women in American society when they break one of society’s rules. Shame as a punishment has been a tool to keep people in check since the days of Nathaniel Hawthorne. In his book, The Scarlet Letter, he tells the story of Hester Prynne. Hester must wear a scarlet letter because she’s broken a rule placed on women. In modern America, women

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