The Importance Of Sugar And Fats In The Diet

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Sugar and fats get a bad rap, why? Yet, sugar and fats are important in daily metabolism.
I’ll begin with my feelings toward sugar. It’s insanely delicious. Sweets make me happy and hit all the pleasure centers in my brain. On the other side of that coin is the fact that it’s greatly addictive, grievously debilitating and, sad to say, definitively pervasive – Believe me. Then there’s fat. When it comes to taste, fat is memorable, worth reminiscing over – fats burn themselves into my memory.
Your body has a memory, your cells have an affinity fat and sugar and they will ask for more once they get a taste. What’s wrong with this? Your body needs fat and sugar to keep your energy up, to pace your metabolism and keep you warm on cold nights – …show more content…

When do we cross that line from good fat and sugar for fuel to sugar binges and deposits of cellulite? When fats and sugar are broken down, you get to carbohydrates, which are all about energy and are found in foods that we consider to be healthy like fruits, vegetables, breads, pasta, and dairy products. These foods to make glucose, which is your body’s main source of energy. Glucose is a type of sugar. Anything with an “ose” at the end of it is sugar that can be used right away for energy to build or stored up for later to keep you from metabolizing your muscle. This is a good thing.
Let’s talk about how sugars and fats are important for energy in human nutrition. Focus your answers not just on the "function" of macronutrients but also on the "structure" of macronutrients. There is a strong relationship between "structure" and "function" in life, macronutrients are no exception. Focus your discussion on structure of carbohydrates and fats in the context of function. Think structure first, function …show more content…

Lipoproteins! High-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins. HDL and LDL are classifications that sort fat by density, mobility, size and content. These much discussed, least understood fats are what you should watch for when making food choices. HDL’s are the good and LDL’s the bad. Ugg, why? HDL takes excess cholesterol to your liver to be tossed into your waste. Hence, it won’t end up in your arteries. LDL takes cholesterol right to your arteries, where it may collect in artery walls creating all sorts of problems including depriving your body of oxygen and circulating deadly blood clots.
Discuss blood glucose control? What organ(s) and hormones are involved in blood glucose control at the cellular level?
Sugar, Carbohydrates, Glucose… The body’s cells soak up glucose with help from the hormone insulin. Insulin is manufactured in the pancreas. Inside those cells, glucose fuels chemical reactions that produce energy. Some of the carbs you eat aren’t used right away, so they’re stored as glycogen. That glycogen is used for energy between meals.
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