The Importance Of Personal Independence In My Life

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Before this difficult experience life was joyful and happy for me. I felt a lot of personal independence for myself and began to make more personal decisions. Such as “I can return home later and spend more time with my friends,” “I can stay up later and play my PS4!” Life felt like it was at its best with almost everyone I know was happy. Confidence was was one of my strengths that made me happy. I knew that I could conquer anything I set my mind to. I also had the free will to do it. Since every place I hung out to was close to my house, I never had to tell my parents where I was all the time and I could come home at my own preference, at any time. I was not spoiled but still priviledged enough to be happy, thrive, and be successful …show more content…

Because I’m the oldest child and a growing kid, I felt the most unfairly treated at that time because of my loss of freedom and liberation from making more personal decisions. Since I was so disempowered, I felt that no person in the world cared for me and my personal preferences and my rights to live. My parents made me come home earlier to do household chores they didn’t have time to do such as folding the laundry and cleaning the guinea pig cages without any help (hard work similar to the Israelites). That meant all my free time was used for homework and studying. There was no recreational time for no matter the circumstance. I never felt self-esteem for myself because I never felt happy or satisfied through myself and decisions made for me. I felt so trapped inside my house. I would only leave for school, buy groceries with my own money, and take out the …show more content…

However, due to this blessing, I still had to use my time to work and not live like a normal teenager. Due to my laziness and high need for relaxation, I started showing up less to work and used my previously earned money for hanging out with friends. I did not realize that my family still needed some of my money, hard work, and commitment to the family. I was tempted to return to my old ways as a “free kid” who sometimes didn’t know the difference between right or wrong. Today, I realized that I was kind of a punk back than. That was my return to Egypt. My family relied on me to help them for us to be happy. However, I was just making myself happy and I was being very selfish. All my money went to my own advantage in life. I had one job. And I failed. Then one night I thought about my recent actions. “My family needs me” kept occurring in my mind. I still need to help. How can I

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