The Importance Of Gun Laws In America

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In society today, one of the biggest issues is gun control. Following in the steps of gay marriage and marijuana, guns are becoming the next big issue that the government will soon decide on. Many people claim that as Americans, they have the right to bear arms and protect themselves and their possessions. Others claim that there is no need for a person to carry a gun at all times, and it does not improve safety. U.S. residents own roughly 50% of the world's civilian-owned firearms and more than 100,000 people are shot each year, and the majority of those people are shot in an assault or murder. The statistics show that America one of the most violent countries in the world, and most violent crimes are committed with a gun. Allowing citizens to own a gun does not improve the safety of the country, it actually makes it worse. America should make gun laws stricter and no longer allow citizens the right to bear arms. Almost every day on the news, there are reports of school shootings, police killings, and violence in the streets. “There have been 142 school shootings since 20 elementary school students and six adults were killed by gunman Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. on Dec. 14, 2012.” (Washington Post, 2015) In less than 3 …show more content…

The current laws are outdated and do not apply in today’s world. Allowing citizens to carry firearms is dangerous to themselves and to the people around them. People believe that carrying a gun will protect them, but if no one had guns, there would be no need to feel threatened for your life. Guns should only be handled by trained professions such as soldiers and the police. Police departments must only allow a few officers to carry guns, but only after going through extensive training. This is what countries such as Sweden and Iceland practice, and they are also 2 of the safest countries in the world. Guns are not necessary and stricter gun laws need to be put into

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