The Importance Of Dedication Essay

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What is dedication? Is it good to be dedicated? Is there a way to be too dedicated to something? Can certain emotions affect how dedicated you feel, or how you feel after you accomplish or do not accomplish something? First off, according to the dictionary, dedication is the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.“I don’t think there is necessarily a way to define such a word. There are about 16 different synonyms listed in the dictionary such as commitment, devotion, faithfulness and loyalty to just name a few”(Duncombe). Not all people will have the same definition for what dedication is. For me, dedication is constantly working on something to get better at it, and going to the point that you go so far, to do the little …show more content…

Simply getting out of bed to get ready in the morning, going to work when you really do not want too, staying after at work or school to get extra work done, doing chores early so you do not have to do them later, are all ways that dedication is played out in an average day, that most people might not notice. It could also make you a better person, doing these little things everyday can make you work harder to get things that you want in your life. It could also leave a little bit of legacy of you too. Do you want to be remembered as a person who was not a good worker and did not try at anything regardless what it was, or do you want to be remembered as a person who worked hard at almost anything and worked hard till they achieved what they wanted? Can you get rewarded for being dedicated? Personally, I think you can. For example, at your work, there is an opening for a big promotion, and out of all the workers there, the boss says that only one of you will get chosen. You think that this is the perfect job for you, so you work way harder than everybody else, you show up early and stay late to get more work done than anyone else, and then finally, the big day comes and you end up getting the promotion. The drive, that you had to work harder and to do all the other stuff too, is dedication, and it can reward …show more content…

Dedication is important because it can play a role in how you will act in the future. Emotions can also be important in how you go about dedication, it can play who you feel after something or how you will go about something. Also, dedication is also in your everyday life, and can also show people how you work, some people can even tell the kind of person that you are. Finally, dedication can also hurt you if you are a person that does not work hard towards something. Dedication is something that people may share the same views on or they might not, but I think that dedication is what it is, by constantly working on something to get better at it, and going to the point that you go so far, to do the little things that few people would do. The way you are feeling can affect how you “work” on something. This trait, can help you in your daily life, as you get older. As you get older, there can be rewards from working harder, like a promotion at work. Always try to be dedicated or try to have it in your life, because it can help you in so many

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