The Happiness Advantage By Shawn Achor

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Happiness is when an individual shows joy or pleasure in the activities they partake in. Happiness can come in many different forms. Happiness can change the way an individual performs. For example, happiness in the work place can help improve work place efficiency resulting in greater output. According to the book The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor the three main activities that promote happiness are writing down what we are grateful for each day, “The Zorro Circle” , learning how to deal with success and failure, and having a plan to improve.

First, we will discuss the science of happiness. The book explains many different ways happiness can affect productivity habits and ours lives. The author explains that happiness has many benefits …show more content…

It makes people tackle challenges in a systematic organized fashion. It explain that we need to achieve our goals without being influenced by our emotions and reward ourselves for all the small steps we take towards achieving our larger goals instead of focusing on the final goal and feeling disappointed each time we fail. (Achor 206-209) For example, if we have a goal of working out for 30 minutes a day you can start by setting a goal to work out for ten minutes each day for the first week, then gradually move it to 15 minutes a day, then to 20 minutes a day, and eventually reach the desired goal of thirty minutes a day. Another real life example of this concept would be organizing the day on a calendar which shows us all the things we do which eventually leads to achieving the bigger goals. We can achieve our goals by writing them down and getting them completed efficiently by setting strict deadlines on when to start and finish each assignment and setting reminds to study and prepare for the next assignment. Through this process we stay motivated. Writing the goals down and telling others about our goals can help make us feel accountable to achieve them. Telling others about our goals with our friends and family can be encouraging and the positive energy will help us continue when the path to achieving the goal becomes tough. Another example of this is gaining motivation …show more content…

This is a very important concept since we will all have to face some form of success and failure in our lives and we need to understand how to deal with them. Deal with success by enjoying it, as well as understanding what went well so you can achieve the same results in the future. Learning how to stay positive after a big failure is important since it is a chance to receive feedback and see our work from someone else’s perspective. Failure is important since it allows us to restart our approach and try again. Failure can teach us to be persistent in achieving our goals. Failure allows us to see different methods to achieve a goal and it allows us to see which ones do not work so we can avoid those and move forward. Another example of how failure can be useful would be failure gives individuals a chance to try again with a different approach. An example of how success can teach us great things is that when we succeed and we never thought we could achieve it, it gives us a great boost in our own self confidence and our own abilities, which allows us to tackle any future challenges without any doubt. Success can teach us that we are headed on the right path and that our process or method is correct. An example of how failure can teach us great things is that when we fail it allows us to start again with a different perspective. An example is when we receive a bad grade on an assignment we turned in or

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