Happiness And Happiness Essay

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Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness Shanta Billingslea Happiness is the main focus in life and should always be held most high according to Aristotle. He spends a great deal of time explaining how to achieve this we will see that, Aristotle was sure a genuinely happy life required a combination of many things. Which included physical and mental health? Bringing about a scientific way to look at happiness in its entirety. First off Aristotle says that virtue is achieved by maintaining the Mean, which is the balance between two excesses. For Aristotle the mean was a method of achieving virtue. The main thing to do is try your best to remain at a middle value. Aristotle is one of many world renowned philosophers He was a student of Plato who in turn studied under Socrates. We don’t have any written words from Aristotle himself but we know for certain that there are lecture notes from his students in which we can gain insight about his teachings. The main question Aristotle asks is” what are we doing here? What’s our purpose in life? What’s the main thing we should be directing all of our energy into? If you look around in society you see people pursuing things they enjoy for pleasure good will achievement wisdoms and so on. But while each thing mentioned as substance is it the ultimate thing to be achieved Aristotle says ok we enjoy money pleasure and material things but why? Because they make us happy therefore happiness must be the ultimate goal to a successful fulfilled life. The Greek word for “happiness” is eudemonia, but to me this word gets lost in translation for American’s happiness is a state of mind happiness is winning the lotto or finding out you got that promotion at work for A... ... middle of paper ... ... to each person’s individual personality traits and flaws,” Aristotle says that some people are born with weaker wills than other it may actually be a mean to run away in a fight In conclusion, according to Aristotle what is happiness? Happiness is the ultimate purpose of existence, it’s not a pleasure or a virtue is the practice of virtue. To get the full effect of happiness it cannot be experienced until one has passed on. Meaning it’s a goal not a temporary thing, it’s the perfection of human nature and since man is rational happiness depends on the exercise of reason you must first acquire moral character then display these virtues and attempt to do your best to balance between the excess and the deficiency. Lastly look within yourself contemplate on who you are and how you live our life remind yourself you can always do more or less whichever is best for you

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