The Emotions Revealed In The Diary Of Anne Frank

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All Jews were suffering from the Holocaust in 1933. Six million Jews were murdered and and nine million were put in concentration camps. Every day a few hundred would die from either the work they had to do in the camps or the food. It was hard for most of the Surviving Jews because they have lost their loved ones. Many got separated from their families in the camps. Literature helps us honor and remember the victims of the Holocaust because it helps us understand the emotions the Jews were feeling in the camps and in hiding, and it helps us understand the experiences from personal stories The jews emotions they were feeling during the holocaust is very important to understand. In The Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1 Anne expresses her feelings
Anne Frank wrote a diary for two years while she was in hiding. In that diary, she talked about the daily life she had. Anne States in her diary, ““The rest of our family, However, felt the full impact of Hitler’s anti-Jewish laws, so life was filled with anxiety.” (Frank, 5). She talked about some personal emotions she was feeling and how scared everyone was. Also, in the book Night Elie the main character talks about his like in the camps and in hiding. This book shows about the daily life there and some emotions along the way. Also, it talks about the harsh conditions the Jews were living in.
Literature can help us honor and remember the victims of the holocaust because It helps us understand the emotions the Jews were feeling in the camps and in hiding, and it helps us understand the experiences from personal stories. For instance, The Diary of Anne Frank has helped me understand the emotions in the camps. While in Night by Elie Wiesel, it talks about the emotions in the camps. Both of those book that we have read in class have personal stories, but together we know both the life of Jews in hiding and in

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