The Division Of Labour Within Couples

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The Division Of Labour Within Couples Wilmott and Young carried out their research in London between 1950 and 1970. They believe that the family as we know it has developed and evolved through three stages to become as it is today. In the first stage, the Pre-Industrial family was extended and everyone lived and worked together. They therefore had joint conjugal roles, meaning they shared duties. In the second stage, the Early Industrial family were extended families beginning to become geographically mobile, dying out and becoming less common. In this stage, there were segregated conjugal roles; the husband was uninvolved with the raising of children and household work, but was the breadwinner of the family going out to earn money. Men spent their leisure time away from home, socialising with work mates and the females spent their time at home, only socialising with female kin and neighbours. In the third stage, the Symmetrical Family had appeared, once again with joint conjugal roles. According to Wilmott and Young, this is the type of family most people of today are living in. Partners share responsibility for decisions that would affect the whole family, and men and women spend more time at home, with men now being involved with the raising of children and household work. Wilmott and Young believe that the family went from segregated to joint conjugal roles due to the female retracting from outside relationships with other female kin and neighbours and drawing the husband into the family circle and letting him become more home centred. They argue that the development of the family has occurred because of a process called ... ... middle of paper ... ...ikely to take an active part in housework and childcare if their wife had a paid job. But they also found that 54% of women who worked full time and 77% of women who worked part time still did all or most of the housework and childcare. However, although all four looked at domestic division of labour and came up with the same results, housework and childcare produce a picture that women do more work than men. What is not shown is that tasks such as cleaning the car or DIY take up more time and more effort than housework and childcare and so that reveals that when men do work, they work longer and harder than women. Also, the paid hours for men tend to be longer than women's unpaid household duties and the difference in hours in paid work and the amount of work women do with housework and childcare was not that great.

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