The Definition Of Career Planning And Career Management

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Greenhaus, Callanan & Godshalh (2000, p.9) write that a career can be defined as a “property of an individual” instead of an “occupation or Organization”, seeing that we all “accumulate a unique series of jobs, positions and experiences”. This notion acknowledges that everyone “pursues a unique career”. Our careers need to develop or take on a unique series of experiences by going through “different phases or stages” in our careers therefore, this concept is called career development. According to Greenhaus et al. (2000) Career development is a process that is ongoing through a series of stages that an individual goes through, to elaborate Hall & Associates (1986, p.3) state that Career development has two facets that are related to one another – “career planning and career management.” These two terms are defined as follows: career planning is an “Individual-Level approach” which is a deliberate process of one being aware of one’s self, opportunities, constraints, decisions and consequences; 2. Identifying career goals; 3. Planning work, education and related development experiences to provide clarity, direction, timing and order of steps to reach a specific career goal. Hall et al. (1986, p.55) says that Career management is an “Institutional -Level approach that implements and monitors …show more content…

This stage is between the age of 65 and above. I would like to think that at this stage, I would be able to have less roles and be able to live a more simple life all while still keeping myself educated and exploring the role of leisure in depth As Hall et al. (1986, p.107) states that leisure activities are often seen as a substitute for work environment in the retirement stage, as it may be a “source of self-fulfilment and social support” .These leisure activities provide “structured time and provide a source of respect and

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