The Dangers Of Smoking In The United States

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Smoking is very bad for all of us, also though secondhand smoke is worse. More than 42.1 million people in the United States are cigarette smokers (cite source). This affects not only them, but the ones they love and the whole world. Why people smoke? Have you ever wondered why? Many young people smoke just for ¨fun¨ or to look mature. When teens see other people smoking especially their parents or relatives they smoke to act older or just to experiment. If their friends are smokers they smoke because they feel pressured into doing the same just to be accepted by the others, and they become addicts. Adult smokers smoke for other reasons. When they have a lot of stress they smoke. Pressures are a big reason too. People smoke to feel relaxed …show more content…

Smoking cause heart disease also causes vision loss, tuberculosis, and arthritis. Smoking increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Smoking is the largest cause of premature death in the country, killing more than 400,00 people a year. Cigarette smoke may accelerate hair loss and premature graying. Toxins in smoke can harm hair follicles and damage hormones. If you have asthma, tobacco smoke can trigger and an attack. Even people who smoke fewer than five cigarettes a day can have early sign of cardiovascular disease. If you are a smoker, it is not only affecting you, it also affects the ones you love. Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke that comes from your cigarette and smoke you breathe out while smoking. Breathing in any amount of secondhand smoke is very dangerous. The best way to protect your family from secondhand smoke is by quitting smoking. Secondhand smoke cause a lot of health problems for non-smokers. This cause cancer, heart disease, breathing problems, colds and flu, irritated eyes, nose and throat. You don’t want this to happen to the ones you love because of you. Smoking cause a big impact on a family, many people get divorce or they have problems every …show more content…

Some neighbors complain because of the smell of cigarette. The smell is very strong and doesn’t smell good. Smoking cause economy problems, some people are very addict that sometimes they prefer to buy cigarettes that buy food for their kids. Sometimes they don’t even have money and the little money they get they buy cigarettes instead of stuff they need. This is so sad, and it’s a big problem for families. Cigarette smokers have oral health problems. Your mouth is a spot where the poison from cigarettes hits the palate and gains access to the rest of your, what you smoke passes over your teeth and through your gums. Your teeth turn yellow. It also makes your breath smell bad, you don’t want to be on a embarrassing situation. It also cause infections, such as periodontal disease, and also seems to impair blood flow to the gums, which may affect wound healing. Cigarette smokers experience tooth loss and alveolar bone loss (bone loss within the jawbone that anchors teeth) at rates equivalent to those of cigarette

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