The Copywriter's Handbook, By Robert Bly

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As a business owner and internet marketer, you need a way to market to your prospect. There are many ways to market, and almost all internet marketing methods have one thing in common. They all rely on writing, specifically writing copy.

The art of writing copy is called copywriting. Copywriting is how you communicate with your prospect and learning how to copy write is one of the most important skills you can learn if you're doing business on the Internet.

Basically, copywriting is using words to influence someone to take some sort of action. According to Wikipedia, "copywriting is the use of words to promote a person, business, opinion or idea." The actual writing, the copy, is "promotional text," which is written content that is used in …show more content…

For an online business, copy is used in marketing venues such as website and landing pages, sales letters, and ads. For example, when you write a tweet to promote your product on Twitter, you're writing copy.

The book, The Copywriter's Handbook, by Robert Bly, is a good resource for learning about copywriting. The introduction starts off with a quote by Judith Charles, the president of her own retail advertising agency, which gets to the heart of what a copy writer does.

"A copywriter is a salesperson behind a typewriter." (or PC; the original book was published in 1985)

You may be uncomfortable with the word "sell," but persuading someone to do something is a form of selling.

The quote highlights that the goal of writing copy is to persuade the reader to take action. So for an online business, the goal is to get your prospect to take action, such as entering a name and email or clicking on a link to go to a landing

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