The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plastics In Packaginging

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Introduction Packaging is a process of designing and producing packages that help to identify and protect a product, which is then transported for storage or sale and finally end up being used. Several materials are used in the process of packaging. These materials include; glass, plastics, cardboard, brick carton and metal. Among this, the use of plastics for packaging is the most common and at the same time, it’s the only material utilized for packaging that is difficult to dispose of. Plastic is any material that is made up of semi-synthetic and synthetic organic polymers such as polyethylene, PVC and nylon which are malleable and therefore when it is still soft it can be molded into varying shapes and then forms a solid object. The reasons …show more content…

However, the possible solutions likely to be adopted have both disadvantages and advantages. Focusing on the disadvantages it is true that if alternatives to the use of plastics for packaging are adopted, then the companies producing plastics will bear a loss. Moreover, there is a likelihood that those individuals working there will face unemployment. However, the advantages of finding the solution to the challenge seem to outdo the disadvantaged (Are et al, …show more content…

Thus, pollution will be somehow regulated since it is estimated that plastic that finds their way into the environment can stay up to 1000years without being degraded (Lau et al, 2000). Secondarily, boxes are used to package products instead of plastics, this would help solve the plastic challenge.This is because cartons are easily recycled and utilized to make more beneficial products compared to plastics. Thirdly, during a purchase of foodstuffs, it would be of great importance when the buyer carry along with them their own packaging container. This would minimize the quantity of plastics being utilized for packaging. Additionally, it is also important to encourage other forms of packaging such as snack bags, pet food bags, and

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