Tetanus: A Case Study of Neglected Vaccination

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In my case study I was presented with a patient 58-year old patient who upon physical examination presented signs & symptoms of headaches, irritability, generalized muscle pain and very tight contractions and uncontrollable back spasms. Further assessing this patient, it was discovered that he previously injured himself by puncturing his left arm with a nail from and old barn he was tearing. The puncture wound has produced moderate quantities of pus, but it has not been kept clean. According to the patients’ immunization records a tetanus vaccination has not been administered to him since he was a child. With this patient producing these types of signs and symptoms as well as his immunization records for tetanus vaccination and boosters are …show more content…

The disease usually presents itself with a descending pattern. The first sign is trismus commonly known as lockjaw, sweating, high blood pressure, and tachycardia. Spasms occur frequently, lasting for several minutes and they persist for 3–4 weeks. Full recovery may take months. Between 5-10% of cases are fatal. Localized Tetanus: Which is an uncommon form of this disease where patients have persistent contraction of muscles in the same area of the puncture wound. These contractions may persist for many weeks before eventually subsiding. Even though localized tetanus may present the signs & symptoms of generalized Tetanus this form is usually milder. Only about 1% of cases with this form are fatal. Cephalic Tetanus: Which is a rare form of this disease, infrequently occurring with otitis media in which C. tetani is in the flora of the middle ear, or following injuries to the head. The patients’ cranial nerves will be affected. Lastly Neonatal Tetanus: is a form of generalized tetanus that occurs in newborns. Neonatal tetanus occurs in infants that are born without protective passive immunity, because the mother is not immune. It most often occurs through infection of the unhealed umbilical stumps, particularly when the stump is cut with an unsterile instrument. Neonatal tetanus is more frequent in developing …show more content…

The adherence of the inhibitor blocks the neuron from releasing the acetylcholine that is responsible for muscle contractions, as a result of this the muscle relaxes. If these neurotransmitters are hindered there is nothing ceasing the release of acetylcholine from the excited neuron. As a result, the muscle will stay contracted. Tetanospasmin is the toxin used to create the toxoid in immunization thee vaccine.(K.J. Ryan pg.321)
Proper treatment of Tetanus includes debridement, which is a surgical method used to rid the puncture wound of dead or contaminated tissues. Various antibiotics such as penicillin, benzypenicillin, and metronidazole, Muscle relaxants medication such as lorazepam, and most importantly immunoglobulins will be administered in this case it would be “Tetanus Immunoglobulin’ (TIG) which will neutralize the toxin, but will not have any effect on the toxins in the

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