Synthesis Essay On Fast Food

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Did you know that one out of two Americans from lower income families would eventually get diabetes? This startling statistic should reinstate what people have been suspicious about in terms of their food supply. The food that most Americans consume is merely poisonous, and people should reconsider what, and how they eat. This is the result of having businesses govern and dictate what foods should be made for the sole purpose of profit. Furthermore, Companies have examined and determined that sugar, salt and Tran’s fat is a reliable additive to their food products because the taste targets certain areas in the brain, which eventually could make consumers addicted to their product. With that being said, companies choose to ignore the fact that …show more content…

In addition, Scientists have been studying the nutrition available in food for a long time to the point that, they have made a few strides in their research of food. The only problem that face scientists is that, they usually have an agenda when their working on the science behind food. Their agenda is looking merely at the science behind food, which seems like an innocent objective, but has been proven to hold more setbacks than improvements. With that being said, they sometimes reach certain conclusions which fail to produce any true positive impact, in fact, they’re conclusions has had a negative effect on many people because they follow what these scientists announce. Consequently, these scientists have been announcing than denouncing their discoveries when they realize their mistake because their world revolves around an ever changing knowledge in this field. In the novel, In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan pointed out, “The constantly shifting ground of nutrition science that, depending on your point of view, is steadily advancing the frontiers of our knowledge about diet and health or is just changing its mind a lot because it is a flawed science that knows much less than it cars to admit” (4). As a result of this flawed science, people have been buying food that doesn’t benefit them whatsoever based on the advice they received. Furthermore, the food they buy improves sales to certain enterprises, and these enterprises therefore flood the market with their products. Which makes many people wonder if these scientists have true intensions of working behind food, or if their just in this industry to make some quick, and easy money by using their position and knowledge to boost profits for certain

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