Student Participation Persuasive Essay

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Hello my fellow students, and good evening. Today we are faced with an issue to which there is no easy solution. In our school today, much like that of many other schools, we suffer from the plague of low student participation. This may sound like a minor issue, and large, that is in and of itself the issue. The population doesn't understand the benefits and necessity of such things. In our school, student participation is at an all time low. Just look at the winter dance. That was unfortunately a poorly attended event, and is truly worrying. The importance of participation is really quite counterintuitive. Of course participation increases school spirit and school pride, but school spirit and school pride work to increase student academic performance. Given that Louisiana is currently 51st in the nation in school rankings, i say that we as a student body have a duty to do all that we can in order to remedy this great issue. I believe the course of action necessary is to elected student body president. I will implement four policies in order to turn the tide. First, I will better the organize the student council. Second, I will lobby the administration to allocate …show more content…

Tying us down to aour classes all the time is not effective in bettering our education. I have a saying that only those who wish to learn will. A student who is bored in class gains nothing but years from his or her experience. This builds a negative connotation with school, and this, above all else, is most detrimental. We must build interest and somewhat ironically we must break the regime. Although this is somewhat untruthful. We must get power from the administration to revise the regime. Some class time may be eliminated but overall class participation will improve if the club days change how the student body sees school. If we can fix this, we should academically

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