Drone Operators: The Unseen Soldiers of War

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“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him” (G.K. Chesterton). A soldier is a soldier no matter what. If they fight behind a screen, on the front line, or from a controller as long as they’re protecting this country, the people in it, and the people fighting for it they are honorable. Some think that because one does their fighting from a remote control drone means that they have no understanding of war, and in some ways that is true, but they are still taking someone’s life when they choose to press that button just like the solders on the front line takes someone’s life when they pull the trigger. Both people are fighting the same fight: they love the country they are defending the people in it they just do it from different standpoints. Drones …show more content…

Everyday U.S citizens get to sleep peacefully knowing that they are safe, they have the freedom to say whatever they please, and they have the right to worship any idol. These simple sovereignties, that are to often taken for granted, are not just given to us. In order to stay “the home of the free” we must also remember, “it’s because of the brave.” As citizens of this great country we should protect other Americans; especially the ones that risk their life day in and day out to protect our everyday freedoms. Faithfulness to the people gambling everything is not discrimination against any other country, and it is not implying that an Americans life is worth more than anyone else’s. It is simple. If there is an opportunity to keep our people safe and minimize American casualties then we should take it! We owe it to the men and women to support them if they choose to use drones in war. If not-- fine! But if our troops find drones helpful then we should stand behind them in their decision because right now they are standing in front of us so we can continue to be “the land of the

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