Socialization Nursing Home

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The different stages of life are inevitable; one day we will find ourselves older and unable to perform simple daily tasks. One day it will be difficult to remember things we swore would never leave our minds. One day we may lose many of our loved ones and discover a new sense of loneliness. Maybe not anytime soon, but one day it may happen. It is crucial to realize that millions of people are going through this stage today; the elderly do not deserve to be overlooked.
From 2000 to 2010, the population who were ages 65 and older increased 15.1%. By 2050, there will be an estimated 81 million elderly Americans; they will make up about 13% of the total population. This would result in the increased demand for long term care; most of those placed in nursing homes lack the ability to complete everyday activities like eating, changing or even getting up. On top of that, there is still a great need for social interaction, for them to feel a part of the community and that people still continue to care. Social interaction is extremely important in the overall well being of the residents; available evidence suggests that there is a link with lower death risk and high levels of socialization. This shows that the more they interact, the happier …show more content…

Living in a nursing home restricts the amount of people someone sees in a day; the elderly no longer have the freedom to go out and explore different environments. They are limited to seeing the same residents and staff every day which leaves very slim chances to being able to meet and interact with new people. A lot of nursing homes do not even have many volunteers who come a few times a month to talk with the residents; so if the elderly do not have anyone they know visiting them, they often have no one new to see at all. The absence of outside interactions definitely take a toll on the resident’s amount of

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