Smart Measure Test Essay

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The Smart Measure test shows that that I have a logical learning style. I learn better using pie charts, and just flat out fact. When numbers and figures get put out there it draws my attention straight to it. Shockingly, I did scores three way for Physical, Social, and Verbal learning. They ere all very close o my score in logical learning. Basically, I am capable of learning in all sorts of different ways. Wehn it comes to learning I like to use a variety of techniques to ensure that I have obtained the the material that was necessary.

When I study, I use several different study strategies. The top three study strategies that I use are flash cards, I recite, rehearse, and write, and also I use chunking. Flash cards help me out a great due to the fact that I am a logical learner. I learn best when I can see facts written down on paper. It really depends on the information that I am trying to take in for the strategy that I use for studying. For instance, when studying vocabulary words and definitions I use flash cards, and other things that I study I will use other techniques. The mood that I am in when I am preparing to study will also determine the strategy that I will use to absorb the information.

Flash cards are portable so I can take my study material with me any where that I …show more content…

I will high light key phrases or things that I know that is important to remember. I will go through my notes, my text book, lectures from class ect., and I will take pieces of information from different topics. These pieces of information are usually important to me, because they will remind me of other material that I just can not get stored into my memory, and fills in the blanks for me. Chunking works for me when I have so much material to try to remember that seems impossible to obtain it all, just chuck the info and viola, you will be prepared for the test, or to have the knowledge you

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