My Personality Tests In The Enneagram Test

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Personality traits are evaluated by taking different test and serves a purpose to help one figure out their personality trait. When I learned my personality trait, the first thing I read about my trait was something Joe E. Lewis said. As Joe E. Lewis stated, “You only live once- but if you work it right, once is enough.” When taking the Enneagram test, I learned that my personality type is an Adventurer and what it means to be an Adventurer not only means that I am a very optimistic person and I don’t let anything get me down. As I look more in context on my personality trait, I found that my wings are the Asserter and Questioner. Some characters of the sixth wing which is the Questioner trait is that they “tend to be more loyal, endearing, …show more content…

The results from my personal learning test did not surprise me due to the knowledge I have of myself and the ways I learn. When looking at the preference between learning styles, my personal choice would have to be active learning because I understand material and remember aspects of the content better when doing an activity. Reflective learning is not for me because I like to collaborate ideas with other classmates and create one common idea of what is happening. Although I do like to do most activities in a group, there are time in my academic career where reflective learning is what I preferred to do since I wanted to work alone and get the work done how I wanted it. Now that I have developed an active learning personality, my knowledge of myself and other people have grown. After I took the online test, my results stated that my preference for active learning matched my learning style very well. Active learning received my highest score which showed that I am an active learner which I already knew. As I have come to realization, college does not always benefit the active learning personality. One thing that Richard M. Felder states in his paper Learning Styles and Strategies, “study in a group in which the members take turns explaining different topics to each other then work with others to guess what you will be asked on the next test and figure out how you will answer the questions.” (Felder). With this tip, I can utilize my active learning style and get the same amount of work and studying done while benefitting my preference for

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