Persuasive Essay On Sleep

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What is sleep? Nursing students do not know the definition of sleep. Coffee is a regular because we do not remember the last time we got a good night sleep. Nurses let me inform you, you are not the only ones; many students including myself are also victims of sleep deprivation. Sleep Health is incredibly significant and many Americans are lacking sleep due to school, work, family and friends responsibilities. According to the Healthy People 2020, the goal is to educate our society by promoting sleep health, which is significant for a healthy prolonged life. It is important to educate college students in the community about the risks they are encountering when being sleep deprived. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also known …show more content…

Certainly people can get by with less hours of sleep, but it is unhealthy. Sleep is essential to the human bodies health, lacking sleep can cause stress, anxiety, and even depression because the body is deprived and not awakened. As a matter of fact in a study conducted among students it was shown in a result that students are more concerned about accomplishing their responsibilities than sleep, “the dominant themes represented were: perceptions of clinical practice, coping, personal issues, and balancing school, work, and personal life,” and nursing students have even greater concern with grades from the pressure of being in an accelerated nursing program (Chernomas and Shapiro, 2013). Overall, sleep deprivation presents more risk in students from ages of adolescence to middle age adults, who also face many roles during this significant stage of the their lives. During annual check ups it is important to inform the doctor if sleep deprivation or fatigue is occurring when obtaining insufficient …show more content…

The definition of sleep health is more extensive than just sleeping for 8 hours and not feeling tired throughout the day. According to a research article, “definition of sleep health should focus on those measurable characteristics of sleep that are most clearly associated with physical, mental, and neurobehavioral well-being,” there has been an acronym created to define excellent sleep health SATED (Buysse, 2014). SATED stands for the adequate sleep health every individual should be receiving in order to live a prolonged healthy lifestyle without disorientation in physical, mental, or behavioral actions. Results showed that for people to have sufficient sleep they must analyze sleep in these five terms, “these dimensions are Satisfaction with sleep; Alertness during waking hours; Timing of sleep; Sleep Efficiency; and Sleep Duration,” there is more to sleeping than simple laying in bed and resting for a few hours (Buysse, 2014). Nursing students are in desperate need of sleep awareness; many students are sacrificing rest in order to accomplish responsibilities. The problem with this style of living is that many students are unaware that sleep is critical to their health. Sleep health is more profound, “Sleep may play an important role in metabolic regulation, emotion regulation, performance, memory

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