Skinner's Theory Of Operant Conditioning

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Over the past years, many influential members of society have contributed theories to education. One of the most familiar and practiced theories in education comes from behaviorist Burrhus Frederic Skinner ( also known as B. F. Skinner) and his theory known as Operant Conditioning. Operant Conditioning was based on the works of Edward Thorndike’s and his 1905 Thorndike’s: Law of Effect theory. The basis of Thorndike’s work was to “empirically test the laws of learning” (McLeod, 2007). Skinner used this as his foundation to perfect his own theory of operant conditioning theory in which he believes that actions that are followed by reinforcement will be strengthened and more likely to occur again (Cherry,2005). Operant Conditioning, which is …show more content…

Many early learning settings use what is known as the A-B-C behavior model. The A stands for Antecedent, which is the “trigger” or the event. The B stands for the Good or Bad behavior, and the C stands for consequence which is for the positive or negative reinforcement. It is a known fact that children respond to rewards and praising good behavior. A Prime example is in a nursery setting and there being a behavior chart (McLeoud, 2007).Teachers will state that for every good day you have, you will receive a star, and on Friday if you have been good all week you will be rewarded. This is an example of conditioning. Promising a positive reinforcement is what educators will use to control their classroom environment. If you consider what the theory is proposing it makes a lot of sense. If you ask yourself, what better way is there to get a child to bring home All green on his behavior chart than to entice them with something they really love but may not get often. I can remember a time when my teacher used to entice our classroom to not talk when others were talking and if we successfully did that, she promised us candy out of the special candy jar. Looking back, I see that see was conditioning is by using positive reinforcement which actually worked. Operant conditioning is such a wonderful theory to practice that it comes naturally to you and do not even know that you are controlling the setting and or situation to get the result that you desire. Skinner Theories has opened so many doors in the study of behavior and how it can be

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