Sir Isaac Newton's Social Influence And History

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Isaac Newton’s Social Influence and History Sir Isaac Newton was an English natural philosopher, physician, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, and inventor. (Sir) Newton has created many works that have contributed to the progression of science and mathematics including Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Newtonian Mechanics, and Opticks. Newton was the first to explain the formation of rainbows in a rain shower and the formation of light, he explained precisely gravity and motion, created the binomial theorem, and arguably created calculus. (Sir) Despite his early obstacles, Sir Isaac Newton has laid the groundwork for modern science, mathematics, physics religious philosophy.
Sir Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth (at Woolsthorpe Manor), a hamlet in the county of …show more content…

His lectures developed an essay called “Of Colours” which was later revised into Book One of his Opticks. In his work in Opticks, Newton discovered that individual light rays excite sensations of colors in the retina when they strike the eye. He also discovered that rays refract at distinct angles creating the prismatic spectrum, “a beam of heterogeneous rays, i.e., alike incident on one face of a prism, separated or analyzed by the refraction into its component parts—and that phenomena such as the rainbow are produced by refractive analysis.” (Sir Isaac)
Later, In August of 1684, Newton was visited by British Astronomer Edmond Halley who had a problem with orbital dynamics. Newton solved this problem and Edmond sent the demonstration. Later, he received a tract called “On Motion”. (Sir Isaac) Newton expanded this work and created the “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”, this piece became his masterpiece and became a fundamental work for all of modern science. These mechanics have been the paradigm of natural science ever since, and these included Newton’s three laws of motion. (Sir

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