Newton Vs. Hooke; World’s Greatest Scientist.

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“If I have seen further that others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” -Sir Isaac Newton. Sir Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke were by far the most brilliant scientist of their day. They individually and collectively made huge contributions to the science of their day. Sir Isaac Newton was Without the work of Sir Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke, the world of science would be no where near where it is today.
Sir Isaac Newton made an enormous amount of contributions to the world of physics. He invented the reflecting telescope, proposed new theories of light and color, discovered calculus, developed the three laws of motion, and devised the law of universal gravitation. His greatest contribution to physics was the development of the three laws of motion. The first law was called the law of inertia; this law stated that, “Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.” The second law is called the law of acceleration; this law stated that, “Force is equal to the chan...

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