Should Schools Kill Cyberbullies Off Campus?

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Being ridiculed and tormented, having anxiety overthrow everything, and end one’s own life; These are what thousands of students go through because of cyberbullying. When being violated on the internet by a user, one faces obstacles that may be impossible to surpass. The victim’s solution to eradicate this violation is by their own life voluntarily. The psychodynamics of a cyberbully is that they won’t get in trouble if they send hurtful comments on the internet, especially if the cyberbully is using an anonymous username. Whether off campus or on campus, cyberbullies will take the same repercussions and their victims will be impacted. Some parents may not know how to talk sense to their child, especially if it is their first child whereas schools will know how to handle the situation. As a result, Schools should punish cyberbullies off campus. …show more content…

Schools can prevent the online abuse by putting this on a cyberbullies record, which will make prestigious academies, sports teams etc. regret them. The Cyberbullying Research Center proved that cyberbullying will be less likely to commit online abuse if schools did carry a punishment (). Cyberbullies have dreams too, and if schools carried this punishment, they would not want to inflict harm if it jeopardizes their dreams. If this punishment is to be established off campus, then the rate of cyberbullying as a whole will reduce. As a result, schools should punish cyberbullies off campus because cyberbullies will not want to risk their goals if schools have the power to take it

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