Should Cyberbullying Be Prosecuted Essay

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Should Cyber Bullying Be Prosecuted? Cyberbullying has become a huge problem, over the years in this world. Cyberbullying is defined as someone posting something embarrassing, threatening, harassing, stalk-like, rumors, gossip, fake identity etc. on the internet. Although, having bullying be a problem, with the growing of technology these days, bullying is being taken over by cyberbullying. This essay tells the question that some people are still wondering today. Should individuals involved in cyberbullying be prosecuted? By having cyberbullying grow, people are starting to make new laws and make it a federal crime. It’s a lot harder to get rid of cyberbullying, because there are so many social media sites where it can be found. With just a mean effortless tweet, comment, or message it can be a toll on somebody’s life. Statistics show that “20% of youth ages 11-18 have been victims of cyberbullying.” Most teens do cyberbullying, because they think it’s funny, or they just think that person deserves it, but what teens don’t get is what consequences lie …show more content…

Others might say that the idea of prosecuting someone for cyberbullying is crazy, stupid and pointless. I can see in their perspective that it shouldn’t be that big of a problem, if that person just stops going on the internet. The Ophelia Project says “The only solution to cyberbullying should not be prosecution, just education. Children should be educated to manage and avoid offensive situations on the internet. If the person getting cyberbullied can’t handle not being attached to the internet, they shouldn’t use it. It's that simple.” With bullying it’s a whole other concept. The Ophelia Project states that “ In traditional bullying, an aggressor immediately sees the hurt they have caused the target.” With cyberbullying an aggressor/ cyber bullier can keep repeating it’s harmful behavior towards a person and not get confronted for

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