Is Cyberbully Is Wrong

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Although many people believe that suspension from cyberbullying is the correct way to punish a bully, many have f ound that this type of punishment is wrong. Suspension is a brief time where you stop doing something. It is a common source of punishment found in schools. Suspension is wrong because kids see it as a vacation, the bully hasn’t made up for their wrong doing, and even though many say that kids will feel safer if the bully is gone, eventually they will come back and torment again. Kids often times see suspension as a vacation away from school. This is an incorrect way to punish because when kids are out of school, they have a chance to do whatever they want. This is because they have no priorities. Bullies should be punished in a harsher way because 93% of children aged nine to sixteen use the internet at least once a week (Vollink). If we have a variety of cyberbullies online, then the use of internet will become a dangerous place for children and teens. Also, when the cyberbullies are at home, this gives them yet another time to …show more content…

Since bullying is a social problem, bullies often harass, torment, and humiliate the victim (“Stop Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying for Kids”). They may do this because of attention or because they are trying to avoid personal problems. Whatever the reason may be, if you suspend a student because of cyberbullying, they haven't correctly solved the problem. In other words, they haven't addressed the victim correctly. If you just make them leave school, they are being removed from the problem instead of solving it. Also, many students will still feel victimized once the bully is gone. This is because the bully hasn't properly apologized and made up for their acts. As you can see, suspension isn't the right way to punish cyberbullies. A reason for this is because of how little the bully makes up to the

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