Short Term Goals

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1. Writing goals as described is an important element in defining your goals.
a. Write five goals to achieve by graduation.
Five goals that I would like to achieve by graduation include becoming varsity for cross country, create a club, make a business, have a net worth of 5k, and get accepted into a university.
b. Write five goals to reach within ten years.
Five goals that I would like to reach within the next 10 years are have a business that would keep me steady, have a net worth of 15k, keep up with student loans and pay them as I go, buy a house, and have a steady relationship.
c. Write ten goals to reach during your lifetime.
Ten goals that I would like to reach during my lifetime include have a business that is both popular and makes good …show more content…

Technically, I am on track, but I personally believe I can improve much more.
9. Define at least one long-term goal in each of the five wellness areas discussed in this chapter. Define short-term goals needed to help achieve these long-term goals.
Although we did not discuss any five wellness areas in any chapter, I have an idea of what I need to work on. The top five things include (in unsequential order) procrastination, trust, hardworking, time management, and realizing the importance/cause and effect of every decision I make. To reach these long-term goals I need to work on short-term goals. These include thinking before I act, planning, and be aware of the dangers around me.
10. List at least two needs you have in each of the five wellness areas. List at least two activities you can plan to help meet these needs.
As stated in question nine, we did not discuss any of the five wellness areas. Also stated in question nine, I have an idea of what this means and what I need to improve on. Some areas where I need improving include school, trust, relationships (with family, friends, etc.), effort, creativity, logic, studying, and time management. Two activities I plan to meet these needs are creating a daily agenda of my schedule and expressing the importance of the actions I do and the activities I am involved with

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