Self-Analysis of Writing Process

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It’s ENC 1101, Not knowing what to expect I entered the room with absolute fear, after all it was my first year of college. Although I’ve never been quite fond of English in the past, I’ve always excelled in the subject. I had yet to work for my grade and no English course I had taken proved to be a challenge through my eyes. I am a huge procrastinator, if not one of the biggest when it comes to assignments. I most likely wrote papers the night before or the day of and still managed to average an “A” on all of them. This bad habit led me to believe that I was cheating myself. Throughout my scholastic years I always had the mentality of asking “what could this class possibly teach me that I didn’t already know?” I believed that my writing skills were perfected down to the very word. I was in for a rude awakening.

One of the major problems I met throughout my writing, was the difficulty to analyze and answer the questions on topic. I knew what message or idea I was trying to convey and assumed that the audience would know it too. I had a very difficult time trying to find the right words that would make up my essay. The most common mistake I made was assuming that the readers would naturally know the common knowledge I had acquired through my research. They, of course did not know the background information that I knew and so the phrase or sentence that I wrote sounded very vague or off topic to the reader. For example, in my third essay about The Series Survivor Vs. The Amazing Race, I had this sentence “Television’s popular, long-running reality series Survivor, and The Amazing Race both have similar goals and outcomes, despite their themes, challenges, and ingenuity.” My professor wrote, “how” on my response to the rough draft....

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...y giving a third opinion. It was through the teacher comments that my professor helped me improve my writing. He showed me the many ways to properly write and how to use certain words and style.

The most important lesson that I learned form ENC 1101 is simply how to proofread my writing. By asking this question “what did I just say? Does that make sense?” at the end of every sentence helps extinguish the vague or lost feeling that a reader can get from an essay or paper. By asking and answering this question up front, I am able to explain the meaning behind my words and make sure my essay is clear and concise. My essays from here on out will leave no question unanswered or remotely touched upon. I will try my best to explain everything in full detail so the reader doesn’t get lost. That way, my meaning will never be lost and will stay strong throughout my writings.

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