Scientific Analysis Of Fructose And The Calorie Myth

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Fructose and the Calorie Myth

Weighing too much is a matter of energy balance, a matter of calories going in verses calories going out, right? Maybe not. New research and new thinking in nutrition has started shifting this idea of energy balance to a view centered on food as a whole. It may be that getting rid of those pounds does not require hours of pounding on a treadmill as much as it requires rethinking what you eat. The fundamental error in the calorie myth is that any calories you consume is exactly the same as any other calorie. The complicated reality is that energy in the diet come from different sources which route through different processes. To understand it, put on your lab coat for a couple of minutes.

A Very Quick Summary …show more content…

However, the atoms are arranged a little differently. Two molecules that have this type of relationship are called isomers.
It doesn’t sound very important. After all, both molecules have the exact same amount of energy, and a calorie is a calorie. This small difference is important because it means that the two molecules do not behave the same way in the body.
Glucose can be used directly by any cell in the body. It easily moves into the cell where it is directly burned for energy. No such luck with fructose. It must first be transported to the liver where a wide variety of things (none of them good) happen.
The metabolism of fructose in the liver is complex, but there are two important results. Fructose is more readily turned into fat. Fructose metabolism signals the liver to increase fat storage. A calorie is not a calorie. Table sugar (sucrose) is a two unit sugar, one glucose and one fructose melded together. Therefore a high level of added sugar in the diet is also a high level of fructose.

The Worst Thing Richard Nixon Ever …show more content…

Hot Pockets hit the supermarkets in 1983, and our waists have never looked back.

Examples of Fructose in Food
Consider fructose in soda. The total sugar content for a typical 12 ounce soda is about 27 grams, split between 16 grams of fructose and 11 grams of glucose. Another way to get 16 grams of fructose would be to eat two cups of kiwi fruit.
The two cups of kiwi has loads of vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of fiber while the soda has nothing. When fiber is part of digestion, the uptake of sugars from the gut slows and the response of the pancreas is less dramatic. Taking 16 grams of fructose in an empty solution is much more damaging that taking it as part of food.

Should I control fructose?
Fructose is having a negative impact on the modern diet, but a broader lesson than “fructose is the problem” will lead to better results. Looking back to America before Nixon signed the farm bill provides guidance.
Americans of that era, ate plenty of meat, but also ate vegetables and starch. The most important difference in the diet of that era versus the modern American diet was the lack of prepared food. While there were certainly some overweight people, obesity simply did not exist in the way it does

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