Roman Engineering Contributions To Society

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Engineering is the application of mathematics and science to develop products that are useful to society (Devaney 10-11). Engineers take scientific principles and combine them with engineering principles and apply it to their work. Engineers collaborate with scientists to help solve problems faced by our society (Nichols and Weldon np). Engineering is everywhere in our everyday lives. From big advancements, such as buildings and automobiles, to small advancements such as cellular phones. We may not realize it, but our communication, transportation, housing, clothing, and food are bettered as a result of advancements in engineering (The Mercury 20-21). Engineering is essential in the evolution of society, as without it, our world would be dull, …show more content…

Rome was an early civilization that was a leader in engineering during its time. The Romans had large engineering accomplishments. The creation of a water system was developed by the Romans. This water system allowed for water to be transported from local bodies of water to the people of the city. This made it easier for water to be transported to everyone in the city. The Romans also focused on creating better transportation. They created roads in order to increase efficiency in traveling and trade. Roads allowed for structured and uniform trade routes for people who were coming to the city to trade their goods. The creation of roads most likely boosted the Roman economy because more people were able to easily travel to Rome to buy and exchange goods with the people. Bridges were also engineered to make it easier to cross various terrain. People could now cross over areas that were previous unable to cross (Barabas np). Engineering before the scientific revolution was mainly trial and error. The engineers built devices that they felt would better life. Engineering …show more content…

Engineers have bettered our everyday lives through many vast improvements. Engineering has advanced communication, transportation, and even the products we consume. Engineering has made it easy to communicate on a global scale, made transportation safer and more efficient, and made our products safer for our society. These advancements have not always been beneficial to society however. Engineers have advanced our weapons as well. Weapons are now more deadly than ever. Engineering has also led to the development of many nuclear technologies that can be very harmful, even deadly, to

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