Rhetorical Analysis Of Nike

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Paul Path Professor Mouw English 103 14 October 2014 Rhetorical Analysis of “ Nike Find you greatness” Many great athletic such as Tiger Wood, Anderson Silva and many more are the most common representation in Nike brand commercial industry. In 2012 Nike came up with a different kind of commercial by using an overweight boy instead of a competitive athletic. And effectively the company would persuaded many consumers who wanted to improve their wright goal to buy the product. The commercial begins with a overweight boy jogging down alone gravel road in middle of no where. The ad start silent , but while the boy jogging for forward only hearing his heavy breath and his foot step. Then the voice came in and say “ greatness is something we made of”. And the silent fall in the commercial once more until the “ Just Do it” sigh show up. The commercial “ Nike find your greatness” is effective at appealing to a Nike consumers because it used pathos to pull viewer attention, the touched of ethos and logical appealing of logos. …show more content…

Nike present the ad with an overweight boys jogging down the stress. Which automatically crab the viewer feeling and attention if that boy can start running, so can they. This Nike using a overweight boy in there adverstivment very strong tactic to make the consumer feeling relate to the ad either sympathy or nostalgia. The extraordinary about this ad is, Nike using a common person an overweight boy not a superstar athletic doing their maneuvers. Which is very relevant to american society today, therefore nike product gain the trust from a consumer comelepley. Finally Nike try to send massage that anyone are capable of achieve their greatness. and become fit using a small steps just like the boy in the

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