Essay On Nike Advertising

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Intro It has become impossible to avoid marketing and branding. Everywhere a consumer turns, they are being persuaded and influenced by all sorts of symbols, logos, slogans etc. These aspects of a brand create the culture we live in. “The effect, if not always the original intent, of advanced branding is to nudge the hosting culture into the background and make the brand the star. It is not to sponsor culture but to be the culture.” 30 no logo. Humanity has become one large sponsored event, making it impossible in order to escape. For the past three weeks, I have been recording my interactions with several different brands. As earlier stated, it’s impossible to avoid brands because they are culture essentially, but I managed to take special …show more content…

It’s because when I sport the Nike swoosh, I feel as if I representing the Nike brand and the beautiful, driven, fit women I see in their advertisements. Feeling this way gives me the inspiration and confidence to play my best. I feel as if I identify with the women in the advertisements by wearing Nike. “The relationship between persons and the product remains one of the most crucial signifiers within advertisements. Persons in advertisements supply the consumer with a certain identification frame—whether the person is presented as a user or is presented within a lifestyle setting, the viewer is invited to identify him/herself with the presented person.” 202 Brand Culture. The Nike brand does a great job at doing this to their consumers to create brand loyalty. Nike brand users, just like myself, see the athletes using the brands and feel a certain connection to them. Brand loyalty should not only be a goal for brands because of the benefit of having their logo advertised on consumers who fit within their target market, but also for PRICE SOMETHING ECONOMY …show more content…

When comparing prices, consumers can find the exact same style Nike boot in Adidas and pay a lower price. Essentially what the consumer is paying extra for is the Nike brand. Looking back at my journal you can see I wore the Adidas boots one time, then went out and bought Nike boots. “Brand loyalty is based on an emotional connection toward the brand and a conscious commitment to find this brand each time the consumer purchases from this category.” 112 Brand Promotion I could have worn the Adidas boots for free but I spent the time and money to go purchase the Nike brand. “brand loyalty and advertising work together to create another important economic effect related to pricing flexibility and profits. When consumers are brand loyal, they are generally less sensitive to price increases for the brand.” 45 Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion Being able to raise prices but still keep the consumer market is very valuable. This is one of the main reasons brands strive to have brand loyal

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