Christian Worldview: My Purposeful Life Journey

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My worldview has two significant parts that I believe are connected at every avenue of life. The first part is about the Christian worldview that I hold, and it starts by my belief that God created the earth and everything in it, just as described in Genesis 1. I feel strongly that God has placed me on this earth to fully serve Him in everything I do and to live my life purposefully. I am certain that God created each and every one of us in a unique way because he has a very specific and unique plan for our lives. With that being said, I feel that God has placed a desire in all of us to serve, love, and show compassion and grace towards others. This is why I feel that it is important that children are taught how to serve others at a young …show more content…

have already been discussed, I would like to talk about how celebrating holidays could be a challenge for me. While taking EDU 271 in Florida, I was assigned the presentation topic of teaching religion in the classroom. During this presentation I expressed how challenging it will be, especially as Christians, to talk about the Christian faith in an enough general sense as to not cross any boundaries set up between the church and the State. While discussing this topic, Dr. Williams asked my group how we felt about celebrating holidays. I explained that I would celebrate all the “American holidays” such as, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and the like. Dr. Williams then challenged me to think about this by asking me how I would change this ideology if I had a Jewish, Native American, or Asian student in my class. After thinking about this for a while, I realized that it is very arrogant to only celebrate the “American holidays” and even goes against my worldview. This question has been on the back burner of my mind ever sense. After critically thinking about this topic, I would have to say that I could not imagine not celebrating holidays in school because they are important to our culture and beliefs. With that being said, I would definitely be willing to celebrate the holidays that my students celebrate at home, such as Hanukkah, Cinco

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