Religion In Schools

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There are many positive effects which diffusion of religion has on a place. Religion teaches morals and values; as a result, areas with strong influences of religion often end up with better leaders and role models. Religion can be diffused in many ways, especially through education from an early age. Since religious schools in an area contribute to the cultural traits, morals, and values which children grow up to have, diffusion of religion has a significant impact in shaping a place.
Religion is diffused throughout schools in many different ways; a very important way is through prayer. Prayer shows children there is more to life than materialism. Children who pray are generally more appreciative of the value of family and friends. Religion in school is carried home and families who pray together are the happiest. Since prayer shows children that there is more to life than materialism, it also promotes better learning which can lead to a well educated population.
Prayer in the classroom helps shape good citizens and, in poor areas specifically, prayer helps to reduce crime, violence, alcoholism and abuse; all leading to a better place to live in. Violence has increased since prayer was removed from public classrooms in 1962. A study conducted in …show more content…

Students should not be forced to believe in a religion, but they should certainly study the different religions in society. Tolerance and understanding creates harmony, resulting in a happier, more successful society. This also creates a more aware learner, helps a scholar understand and accept diversity and become a more empathetic person. As a result, a globally aware student will function better in todays society. After school, this will most likely lead to a well-run government as well as successful, unbiased, and honest businesses; both of which will make society a better place to live

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