Reflection On Clinical Rotation

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My perceptions of this clinical rotation totally changed from the mangers story. When she says, “I had to fall back on understanding” and that there was “no policy or procedure to reference” she just had to do what was right (Cathcart). She knew that the patient comes first and the ethical dilemma that was at hand said to ensure that the patient got the best care and all patients were cared for. She was ensuring that the patients on the floor would be covered while another nurse was gone. In the meeting today we talked about the ER nurse delivering a patient to the floor for hand off. The discussed how to do this hand off safely but not having a nurse leave the floor for safety of the other patients. Now it was not life and death at the moment
I started in a meeting with the floor nurse leaders and manager. They talked about staffing issues. Afterwards, I followed a charge nurse as they rounded on patients to assess satisfaction. They also cleaned up along the way and checked the crash carts. After lunch, I was with the manager doing staffing inputs for PTO. They have central staffing, but the manager does do the time off request for her unit (Yoder-Wise, 2015). Emotional intelligence in chapter one explains that being aware of ones emotions from specific situations in order guide thought process and actions (Yoder-Wise, 2015). Three good things about this clinical would be that there is a lot more to leadership then sitting in an office, I get to learn more about the network and how they operate, and I get to learn tips on how to get hired and what they are looking for. Three challenges to my success in this clinical rotation would be getting lost in the large unit and hospital, not having as long of interaction with the patients and having to visit all 30 of them [and know their issues], finally would be not being able to speak up always in meetings. I love to give ideas or comments but I know that these situations are not the best time, unless asked to do so. Therefore, I had to show restraint today in meeting by not talking and reminding myself not to fidget, since it’s hard for me to sit long periods of
The environment seems to be very welcoming. The coworkers get along and communicate well; they also work as a team. The attitudes and behaviors of the unit correlate with what the mangers expectations were; which correlated with the books definition of organizational culture in chapter eight (Yoder-Wise, 2015). There was discussion of being on time to work; but other than that, the spirit and work ethic was high. They were accustomed to all who were working and what was expected of them. Whenever a call light went off no matter who it was if you were close you went; even the manager would go into answer lights. The manager said as a nurse I should be an example and do what I ask of them as well. They know what their job description is coming in and they are working on clarifying it even more. There is a bulletin board with their mission and vision as well as other learning tools and cards of appreciation. Even though there is a hierarchy in a way, they all work together to do the best for the patients (Yoder-Wise, 2015). It is so seamlessly flows as a beautiful unit

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