Reflection Of The Kingdom Of God

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How Jesus is viewed to people has varied depending on experiences and rearing on the individual and lessons received. With uplifting support and affirmative direction towards eternal salvation, one seeks further understanding of the Kingdom of God. Stories were used by Jesus to instill a touch of interest to those who followed, which invited many to learn more about the Promised Land. Utopic theme centered parables were taught metaphorically based on cultural significance, religious intent, and the kind of impression left on the first followers of Christ.
Because many fished for their source of nourishment or trade of goods, Jesus related the Kingdom of heaven to fishing as described in Matthew 13:47-50. When casting the net, it will catch fish of every type. However, when the fishermen pull in their find, they will sift through and keep the good while casting away the bad fish. As this is an experience the listeners’ of Christ can comprehend, He moves forward to explain the End of Day. When time comes for End of Age, the angels will come …show more content…

The Lamb of God is proclaimed by John as the one “who takes away the sins of the world” (John 1:29). The Sacrificial Lamb suffered and died so that all may have a chance at eternal life. His death will not go unnoticed and for any with the desire for eternal life, the King of Kings will choose the purest hearts verses those with hardened hearts. A fisherman will not attempt to trade small fish and thus discards them and keeps the better catch. A coach will not recruit players based on a “first come, first serve” notion. Like Christ, both will desire people who will put heart and commitment into their work and will be faithful to the team. Live a life in the Light, virtue in the spirit, and the door will be opened to the City of

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