Recovering America's Exceptionalism Summary

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“Recovering America’s Exceptionalism” Summary Politics have always been a large part of America’s history, but let’s face it, not everyone has the same opinions. However, with an upcoming election people have begun to show what side of the fence they are on. In “Recovering America’s Exceptionalism,” Ben Carson expresses views on how to make America great again by reminding America to reclaim its values and learn from past mistakes. Carson begins with a study of the nation conducted by Alex de Tocqueville in 1831. While Tocqueville was not impressed with the structure of the government, he was impressed by public education. He pointed out how early settlers grasped things like practical skills, reading, writing, and arithmetic. He believes Americans have a sense of commitment to hard work which shows through developing communities. Although the spirit of caring was dwindling, he was impressed by Americas open belief in God. Tocqueville concluded his study with these words, “America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” (651-52) Carson continues with how Americans claim to goodness is being challenged. He mentions how people call on God and suggest prayer in times of crisis, but criticizes him for his beliefs in God and the …show more content…

He uses this history in comparison to America labeling an IRS scandal as fake. He proceeds to show how the majority status refuses to see how they passed a health care bill based largely on false information. He then makes note of how it was forced on the minority status. Carson continues by pointing out how millions of babies are killed and those who oppose this are being criticized. Carson also discusses how the media is mocking faith in God, trashing traditional families, and advertises drug-filled lives. Carson questions, with these things going on, how can America possibly make claims to

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