Qube Logistics Supply Chain Analysis

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Qube Logistics has been able to give quality logistic service the customers at best prices because of its well-integrated and coordinated logistic infrastructure. It has been achieved by the flawless logistical system that ships any product anywhere in a moment’s notice. Qube Logistics operates on the just in time inventory management hence no inventory is stored this requires a logistics system that is highly automated and has a quick response strategy. It is considered to be the largest import and export logistic service provider in Australia. It started its operation in 2010 and with is efficient alliances and joint ventures it is successfully ruling the Australian import and export logistic market. The logistics system of Qube Logistics …show more content…

It has the latest technology to connect to the global logistics operations with one of the largest date warehouses in the world. Enhanced data analysis techniques are used to predict what the customers want and need. It uses the point of sales system which is a computerized system that keeps the record of each item sold, also checks for its price and prints a receipt for the customer. This way Qube Logistics avoids the chances of over stocking. Qube Logistics also uses a telecommunication link from the distribution centre to the central computer and to the supplier’s computers. All the warehouses are computerized. Through this system the cost is being reduced. Only 10% of the space is allocated to inventory compared to 25% that is the industrial average. Bar code scanners are also used (QUBE LOGISTICS Annual report , …show more content…

The Chinese Logistics products are also a big threat to Qube Logistics as these are quickly grabbing the market share of many other companies. Being a global Logistics also exposes the company to political and legal problems in which the company operates. Intense price competition is also a threat because now days every company is implementing the concept of out sourcing.

Qube Logistics is aggressively expanding its business. The cost analysis shows that the expansion is done in multiple directions. Initially it is done aiming to increase the business and make profit. On the other hand a considerable amount is spent on creating awareness about sustainable business. The contribution to the society and community is also integrated in the business cost and is taken very seriously.
Cost Application/ Budget
Line Items Description Unit Cost
AUD Number of Units Quarters Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase

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