The Importance of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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“An Army leader is any one who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences peoples to accomplish organizational goals. She or He motivates people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking, and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization.1” But for him to do that effectively and efficiently , he has to be prepared, shaped and refined. There are few institutions to prepare such leaders and CGSC is one of those institutions which are mandated, organized and equipped to prepare such leaders. In implementing its mandate, CGSC has programmed ILE common core C 100 to provide foundations for effective leadership development. The lessons covered in this block of instructions are important pillars of leadership development and impact on officers differently depending on the fields/specialties and the level of positions held. This paper therefore attempts to discuss the relevance of critical thinking and problem solving, group decision making, overcoming biases, planning and order production lessons on my future assignment as a logistics staff officer.

Critical thinking is an important problem solving tool and the higher you go as leader; the more are the problems to be solved. In his effort to analyze the relationship between critical thinking and problem solving, Paul remarked; “I need to think critically, but I have no problems that I need to solve; that problem solving is a major use of critical thinking and critical thinking is a major tool of problem solving and therefore the two are best treated in conjunction rather than in disjunction2 “

Preceding from this understanding and being a logistics staff officer, my carrier is full of logistics proble...

... middle of paper ...

...earlier that leaders are made, I strongly believe that C120 block of instructions is a step in the right direction to preparing efficient and effective leaders, ready to meet challenges of the 21st century.

Works Cited

1. FM 6-22 Army Leadership, Washington 2006. P1

2. Richard, Paul “Critical Thinking: Basic Theory and Instructions Structures,” Foundations for Critical Thinking. 1977. P

3. Irvin, Janis. And L. Man Decision: A psychological analysis of conflicts, choice, and commitment (New York: Free Press, 1977). p


FM 6-22 Army Leadership, Washington 2006

Janis Irvin. And L. Man Decision: A psychological analysis of conflicts, choice, and commitment (New York: Free Press, 1977).

Paul, Richard. “Critical Thinking: Basic Theory and Instructions Structures,” Foundations for Critical Thinking. 1977.

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