Pros Of Racial Profiling

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As we go through our everyday lives we are always being watched whether it’s by security guards cameras or even each other. This leads us to make assumptions with the people around us. The benefit is that you use a distinguishing characteristic to narrow down suspects and find people who commit crimes. There are many benefits of law enforcement should practice it. They already do practice profiling of every sort: height, weight, color, sex, income level, there is virtually no limit. In the eyes of an average Joe that's how you catch the bad guys.
There is a common myth that racial profiling is assuming someone is a criminal based on their race regardless of whether they are personally associated with a crime or not. That is profiling keeps us safe from terrorism and other threats in our nation.
The main benefit of racial profiling, based on opinions of others, is to save costs. The government’s resources are not unlimited, and any strategy that can be successfully used to limit the amount of money and time needed, may allow other demands of the government to use the extra resources (Huq). For racial profiling to be beneficial, the government must use this strategy properly. The race of an individual can be used as an identifier, much like gender and predominate characteristics. It would be extremely irresponsible for a police officer to search for a suspect of a recent crime and ignore their identified race when searching for the suspect. This form of profiling is acceptable because the identification of a suspect’s race allows police officers to use fewer resources than otherwise needed in a larger pool of potential suspects. Often, police officers have very little to go on when attempting to find a criminal. Officers should b...

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...eligious groups, when they were not searching for any criminal at all. The Nazis wanted to exterminate those groups based on pure ideology. They would trump up charges; make excuses, and pretty much do anything just to arrest those people.

In short, you could say The New world of technology favors profiling, but not racial profiling. In hard times, we can’t afford to blind ourselves to the demographics of the people most likely to cause harm. But it should be clear that those demographics involve more than race or ethnicity, and that the individuals selected for profiling should never be treated as criminals or even as suspects until the police find incriminating evidence. Which as we can see that the following list why we need to be weary of who we profile and how we do it? But in all we need to make sure that we as a country are safe from all forms of terrorism.

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