Pros And Cons Of Animal Abuse

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Ok some people will agree with me, and others who do not well there just plain stupid. We have a lot of people in this world that leave animals to starve and die and most of them are either are in shelters or on the street. I know that it is wrong but if u don’t want a pet then either don’t get it or if u have one do not leave it on the street take it to the shelter. Don’t abuse animals because the animals owners should have a background check before they get to have the pet and get it ,and in order to own a pet you should have a license, and held accountable for your action when you have a pet.

That animal’s owner should have a background check. I know that people have seen what happens to a dog at and friend’s house, or one of your family members. So when you go adopted your pet then you should have a background check to see if they have had an abusive past so they do not hurt the animal. They also should be tested to see if they have a safe environment for the dog so if it gets out that it will not get hurt by …show more content…

You tell the people that you report to what it was about and how it happen. Now once that happens have them be arrested or be accountable for their action. When they do abuse the dog you should check on the animals and take it to the hospital for animals. So people in this world are so mean and brutally they never, and the animal never meant no harm.

They should have license to get a dog so they can looks up your history, report abuse, and have background check. You should never hurt a animal and I think that most of the people in the world will agree with me.If you ever ha a dog and you did not want just drop it off at the shelter and never drop it off at the end of your road or anywhere but the shelter that would be just. So I think we should put people in jail that put dogs on the street and if they do not want to then do not get a dog but if you do then you should do the thing that I talked about in this

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