Puppy Mills Animal Abuse

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Animal abuse is bad for the animals and there are strict consequence. You can be fined for a lot of money and in some states you can even be arrested for more than 1 year. Many animals are also mistreated. One place where animals, specifically dogs, are mistreated are puppy mills. Puppy mills are where dogs are housed in unsanitary and cramped places. According to ASPCA-Puppy Mills- it says that dogs are kept in cages that have a wire flooring. This causes the dogs paws and legs to bleed. When female dogs can’t reproduce, they are killed because the main point of puppy mills are to sell dogs for money. Many puppies born in puppy mills, are born with genetic diseases like heart disease. Since these puppy mill breeders are working undercover they are hard to catch. There is no legal way of selling dogs from puppy mills so don’t be tricked into buying one or by the licenses they show. One way you can help is to call your local police department or animal shelter. …show more content…

Hoarding isn’t necessarily breaking the law, but can be. Animal hoarding is when the owner has way too many pets and can’t care for them. See ASPCA Animal Hoarding for more detailed info. Animal hoarding causes malnutrition, unsanitary living conditions, shelter and health care. Some hoarders may not know the exact amount of pets they have due to the fact that they aren’t cared for properly and their homes may be dirty and unsanitary. They will also deny that the pets are not being cared for. As well as waste on the floor, there are pests such as fleas or other bugs on the pets. Did you know “every year in the United States, a quarter of a million animals fall victim to hoarding”. This is a growing problem in all the states and NEEDS to be stopped. Best way to stop animal hoarding is to call your local police department and other places you can find at ASPCA Animal

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