Professional Development Plan

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How to Create a Professional Development Plan
By eHow Contributor
A professional development plan is important to your career development because it lays out your career objectives and the path you'll take towards achieving them. It also sets up clear expectations between you and your manager.
Identify your career goals and objectives within your organization. Clearly write out one-year and five-year career goals and a plan to achieve them. If you need additional support from your management and peers, identify the people who will be keys to your career development.
Write down the additional work experience and skills you need to achieve your career objectives. Also identify any continuing education classes you need, conferences …show more content…

Break down your goals into smaller tasks with well-defined timelines. Set up a calendar with target dates for each task.
Work with your manager to set up clear expectations. If you want to be promoted to a higher level within the next year, identify what is expected and how you can achieve that goal. If you want to work on a different project, tell management early on so that you can begin working on it in time. You should also project how your goal will benefit your work place.
Take the initiative. Once you have identified your career goals, it's your responsibility to do what it takes to accomplish them. Also be willing to adapt and modify your goals according to changing circumstances. Use feedback from your manager, colleagues and friends to constantly evolve your professional development plan. Sometimes external sources are better able to identify your strengths, weaknesses and areas for development.

Professional development Planning (PDP) is a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and / or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. The primary objective for PDP is to improve the capacity of individuals to understand what and how they are learning, and to review, plan and take responsibility for their own learning. It helps to ,Become more effective, independent and …show more content…

For my self assessment under each heading which consist of Communication, Customer Service, Performance Management, Organizational skills,Proffessional Development,Legal Issues, Leadership skill, Team Work and Problem Solving. There are a total of 50 questions total. Here is how I have rated myself. Once all artings has been done, I will do an analysis under each heading to determine my weakness and strenghts and make a conclusion at the end of this assessment.

5=Most of the Time

1. Listen more than I talk.
2. Ask questions to ensure others understand my instructions.
3. Use positive language in my communications.
4. Am conscious of my tone and body language when talking
5. Ignore all distractions when listening to others.
6. Practice active listening techniques.
7. Am seldom misunderstood when I talk to others.
8. Adjust my communication style to my audience.
9. Am comfortable giving presentations to groups.
10. Use a writing style that is professional and seldom misunderstood.


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