Pretty Much Jail (A Critique On Victorian Schools)

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Schools Are Pretty Much Jail
(A Critique on Victorian Schools) “Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better” (Doumbia). This statement is true for today in our age. However, at one point things weren’t always like they are today. The schooling system has changed drastically over time at one point in time the Victorian Schools were brutal. If the schools back them were still running the whole school would be shut down. In the stories, Hard Times, and Jane Eyre the schools in Victorian Era are way different from today. To begin, in the Victorian Era, the schools are different because of the punishment. Back in the day if you did something wrong you got punished terrifically, even for the smallest …show more content…

In the olden days there was a great amount of respect shown towards the teachers. Almost as if they were the president of the United States. When ever a teacher would enter the room everyone would stand up as they entered. In the story, Hard Times, Sissy states, “Sissy Jupe Sir” (Paragraph 4, pg 1000). Sissy states her name as the teacher asks her what her name is; however, she doesn’t just say her name she follows it up by calling her teacher sir. This was a great deal back then. The students always called their teachers sir it was their way of showing respect. Today in our age most students don’t even say “Mr.” in front of the teachers names they have no respect these days. Logan implies, “teachers play in the lives of pupils, some throw tantrums, curse, insult or even attack teachers” (Logan). Students in our generation have been known to be extremely rude to our teachers and treat them with total disrespect even though they do so much for us. It is important that we give respect to our teachers like the Victorian Era students did. In conclusion, there are many ways that the schools have changed from the Victorian Era to today, including punishment,education, and respect. These are the three key points of difference that I have noticed after studying about this time of era. It is very interesting how things have changed over time and to see which approach is better. Spurr mentions,“In

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