Power Of Education And Education

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Power in Education
This section addresses the matter of power in education. Since education is a larger context in which schools and classrooms are the microelements, understanding the way power residing in the education system can uncover the correlation between power on educational macro and micro scale, education, school and classrooms. To prevail the power of education, the starting points for this section discussion is the function or the capabilities of schools. A section following after looks at the bigger picture of the education structure wherein school, educational institutions and classrooms constituted. These reviews are subsequently followed by another section discussing about teachers’ position within the multi-dimensional entity as such of an education. Vietnamese context and teachers are also included in this section as a backdrop for the subsequent chapters.
General View
“No parents beyond this point” – this apparently normal phrase conveys much more than just telling the parents not to pass certain points to the interior of a school. It is, on the contrary, reflecting the internalised ideology that signifies the dichotomy between school and the outside world (Vincent, 1996c) .
“[s]chools as island of professional expertise, of calm, order and learning, situated apart from their teeming, disorganized, unknowing surroundings.” (Vincent, 1996c:01)
Schools are the places about which people generally hold a belief that growing and learning activities take place (Ben-Peretz, 2012). For centuries, society and family put their trust in the education for their offspring; however, the concept of school is not as simple as how it is conventionally perceived.
What schools really do?
The first step to take a closer lo...

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... ‘in principle’ and happen ‘episodically’. So the question is where exactly power relation in school and education come from? The answer for this question lies essentially on what have been discussed earlier on the schools’ functions. The functions that embedded within schools are prominently linked with and help to prevail schools’ power in a more reasonable and systematic way. The interpretation of school’s power is drawn from several following aspects.
From a perspective of parents and the public, the power of school is its capability to educate and secure degree end for its candidates. Acting as ‘sorting devices’ and classify agents, attending and completing schooling are considered a necessary move that every child to take in order to be accepted in the work force. Schools are constantly seen “as a filter between the home and the labor market” (Apple, 1982:44).

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