Preserve Canadian Culture Case Study

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believe there was some genuine intent to preserve Canadian culture during the dispute, but not that much. I believe the main reason it was brought up was to gain more revenue from foreign magazines. According to Karen Rinaman's Canadian Magazine Industry and Cultural Protectionism America and Canada have very similar cultures. "They speak the same language, watch many of the same films and television programs and read the same best-selling books. In addition to these similarities, proximity allows satellite and radio programming to cross the border between the US and Canada with very little difficulty." There isn't much being protected by removing American magazines.

2. The Canadian government was almost entirely driven to this decision by the …show more content…

I believe it is fair to charge taxes to foreign magazine publishers. During the days before split-run magazines utilizing satellites to beam their content to Canada, countries had to print them in their own land and then import them to Canada. During that time the Canadian government had the right to accept and reject any magazine as they please to their land. Its like how video game console manufacturers have the right to region lock their consoles to ensure that even if you could access the foreign content you couldn't use it unless you also imported a foreign console. What the Canadian government is doing isn't inherently wrong, it is just that they have taken their actions too far. Requirements the magazines to contain at least 80% Canadian content is excessive. However, it is only fair that if the magazine is claiming to be Canadian in origin, that it have some Canadian content. Maybe lowering the limitation to a lesser percent would make it more reasonable.

6. If I were a member of the Canadian government and I was trying to protect the domestic magazine market, I would establish new criteria to distinguish between a split-run and a domestic magazine. The criteria I would keep for a domestic magazine would

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