Pokemon Argumentative Essay

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There's a reason why Pokemon RPG games were selling like hotcakes, and it's all about the gameplay. In Gold/Silver, the foundation from RBY games remain strong; you're still a Pokemon Trainer, dedicated to capture as much Pokemon as possible, use them in battles, and earn glory by defeating other Trainers with their Pokemon. Every species of Pokemon (there's now 251 of them) had its own strength and weakness, became stronger and acquire techniques by leveling up, may evolve through various ways, and compete in one of the most effective turn-based battle system ever created. Battle system is the core of the Pokemon games, and I'm happy to report that Pokemon Gold/Silver has successfully improved the mechanic inherited from its predecessors. A new and much-needed variable was added to the Pokemon's battle stat (Special is now divided into Special Attack and Special Defense), and It is set in a new region called Johto, three years after the events in Pokemon RBY; but apart from that, you might as well have the same storyline as in the previous games. However, the localization is perfect (unlike some other games for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color), and at least the plot doesn't pretend to be something that it isn't. It's clean, simple, and you better accept it in your Pokemon game. There's always the daunting task of completing the Poke'dex by capturing every single species of Pokemon. With 251 in offer, it will takes a lot of effort to capture them all, and linking between versions is needed as usual; you even need to link to the previous games (Red, Blue, or Yellow) to complete your collection, as there are 18 species which can't be gotten from the Gold/Silver version. The backward compatibility is provided by a new linking feature called Time Capsules, which let you trade Pokemon with the past games (no new Pokemon, techniques, or items can enter,

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