Argumentative Essay On An Animal's Place

700 Words2 Pages

English 110
Due 9/17/2015
An Animal's Place Argument Essay
Most average, everyday people believe that eating animals is an okay thing to do; however some think otherwise. As for me, personally, I believe that eating animals is fine, just don't overdo it. You see, eating meat every once in a while is perfectly natural, but I don't think we should consume it every day. Once or twice a week in moderation is a normal, healthy amount of meat to eat.
Though, It's not all about how much meat we consume, It's about how the animals are treated before being slaughtered and put into packages for our dinner plates. For example when Pollan states, "Half of the dogs in America will receive Christmas presents this year, yet few of …show more content…

This is not the case however, because research has been done at the University of Liverpool by Biologist Lynne Sneddon stating that "Animals show reflex responses similar to our own. For example, when we accidentally touch a hot iron, we respond almost immediately by retracting our hand. There is a lag period following this when no adverse sensations are felt but, if left untreated, the burn begins to throb and we alter our behavior to guard the affected area. Animals respond to painful damage in a similar way. Their responses comprise sever behavioral and physiological changes: they eat less food, their normal behavior is disrupted, their social behavior is suppressed, and they may adopt unusual behavior patterns, they may emit characteristic distress calls, and they experience respiratory and cardiovascular changes, as well as inflammation and release of stress hormones." (Sneddon). So not only has the "Animals don't feel pain the way humans do" argument been refuted, but it has been proven that animals do feel similar pain to humans.
Another reason we need to stop mass producing animals in this cruel way, is because
Works Cited
Colb, Sherry. "A Response to the Claim That Eating Animals Is Natural." Free From Harm. N.p., 25 July 2013. Web. 16 Sept. 2015.
Pollan, Michael. "An Animal's Place." The Norton Mix: A Custom Publication: Food Writing: A Readymix. Ed. Jeffrey Andelora, Melissa Goldthwaite, Charles Hood, Katharine N. Ings, Angela L. Jones, and Christopher Keller. 13th ed. Vol. 13. New York: W.W. Norton, 2013. 361-77. Print.
Sneddon, Lynne U. "Can Animals Feel Pain?" Can Animals Feel Pain? N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept.

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